Smart Remote Monitoring

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Applications > Smart Remote Monitoring

Smart Remote Monitoring

Smarter devices at the network edge

Smart Remote Monitoring

Smarter devices at the network edge

With the growth of cloud-based services, intelligence at the device level is crucial for applications powering Internet of Things (IoT).

Originally, emphasis was on high-speed transporting of information from devices to data centers where it could be analyzed and stored. As larger amounts of data are processed, it has become increasingly expensive to transport, sort and store data at the center. The emphasis is shifting from data quantity to data quality.

To stay competitive, real-time decisions need to be made at the device level, requiring more intelligence at the network edge. Smart devices will analyze information onsite and send only relevant information back to the center, reducing network demands, not to mention the analyzing and storing of all that data.


MultiConnect® OCG-E

Open Communications Gateway: Embedded Cellular Modem
(MT100EOCG Series)

  • Create custom Linux code for application
  • Host application onsite on existing hardware platform
  • Cross-compile Linux build environment


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